Things People With Sleep Apnea Wish You Knew

Snoring might not be simply harmless for people living with sleep apnea.

Misinformation persists about obstructive sleep apnea — when you stop breathing briefly and repeatedly during sleep — even though about 18 million Americans have the common condition, according to the National Sleep Foundation.

The number of people with sleep apnea is going up, found a May 2013 study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. Increases were from 14 to 55 percent over the past two decades, depending on age ...

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How to Boost Your Energy if You Have Sleep Apnea

Finding the right treatment, revamping your sleep routine, and adopting these healthy habits can help you fight fatigue.

There’s no substitute for a good night’s sleep, but if you have obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), getting a good night’s sleep is easier said than done.

More than 18 million adults in the United States are estimated to have sleep apnea, according to National Sleep Foundation (NSF). Although the condition is common, it often goes unrecognized and undiagnosed, says Jose Mendez, MD, director of ...

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Wiring the Brain to Treat Central Sleep Apnea

A new strategy to treat central sleep apnea suggests implanting a device that acts like a pacemaker for the brain.

Over one-third of patients recovering from heart failure must then live with central sleep apnea, a frightening disorder where a patient’s brain sometimes fails to send the body the signal to breathe. Implanting a small device similar to a pacemaker, however, seems to work effectively to reset the brain so that it receives a constant reminder to send the “breathe” signal ...

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Treating Apnea May Help Blood Pressure

Connection discovered between poor sleep habits and increased risk of hypertension.

Treating obstructive sleep apnea in patients who have daytime sleepiness as a symptom may have an additional benefit—a reduction in the risk of high blood pressure.

A pair of studies published in the May 23/30 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association point to a possible link between a reduction in hypertension and the use of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), but only one of the studies—an observational one—found ...

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Sleep Apnea Treatment Linked to Improved Appearance

New research shows that people who stick to a treatment for sleep apnea end up looking more alert, youthful and attractive.

The most effective treatment for sleep apnea — continuous positive airway pressure (CNAP) therapy — requires users to wear a mask connected to a machine all night. Since this is burdensome, many people eventually stop CNAP, but a new finding suggesting that the therapy improves physical appearance may convince people to plug back in.

Researchers from the University of Michigan took ...

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Sleep Apnea Raises Risk For Hard-To-Treat Hypertension

People with severe sleep apnea are at a higher risk for high blood pressure that does not respond to medication, according to preliminary new research.

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) can leave you feeling groggy and tired throughout the day, but it may also be responsible for up to nearly 60 percent of hard-to-treat hypertension, according to new preliminary research presented today at the American Academy of Sleep Medicine meeting in Baltimore.

Researchers looked at 284 people with sleep apnea and found that ...

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Obesity Crisis May Be Fueling Big Jump in Sleep Apnea Cases

Researcher calls troubled sleep an ‘uncalculated cost’ of America’s weight epidemic.

The widening American waistline may be feeding an epidemic of sleep apnea, potentially robbing millions of people of a good night’s rest, a new study suggests.

The research didn’t definitively link the rise in obesity to sleep apnea, and it only looked at 1,520 people, almost all white, in Wisconsin. But study author Paul Peppard believes the findings show a big spike in sleep apnea cases over the past two decades ...

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Check Kids for Sleep Apnea

American Academy of Pediatrics recommends screening all children for snoring and polysomnography for those who regularly snore and have any associated symptoms such as snorting or gasping, daytime sleepiness, or labored breathing during sleep.

Children who frequently snore should be evaluated for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS), according to a new guideline from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

Clinicians should evaluate kids who snore for co-occurring symptoms such as labored breathing during sleep or daytime sleepiness, and refer them for polysomnography, Carole ...

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Sleep Apnea Affects Many Women, Too

Study finds obesity, high blood pressure raise the odds for disorder.

Although sleep apnea is a condition often associated with men, new research reveals that many women also have the disorder, especially those who are obese or have high blood pressure.

Sleep apnea causes frequent pauses in breathing during sleep, and rates of the condition increase as people age.

For the study, researchers from Uppsala University and Umea University in Sweden surveyed 400 women, aged 20 and older. The women also underwent a ...

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Sleep Apnea Market to Double in Five Years

Global market has potential for growth as more patients get properly diagnosed.

The global sleep apnea market is expected to be worth $19.72 billion by 2017.

A new report by Dallas-based MarketsandMarkets projected that is a more than double increase from 2011 when the market was estimated to be$7.96 billion.

The U.S. is the largest market for sleep apnea products, followed by Europe and then Asia.

Broadly divided into diagnostic devices and therapeutics devices, the sleep apnea market is witnessing intense competition. The report ...

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