Sleep and Childhood Brain Development: The Critical Link

In this month’s British Medical Journal, there’s a report on a study demonstrating the relationship of sleep to brain development in kids. It is called the Millennium cohort Study, and it followed 11000 children. Those children who demonstrated irregular bedtimes up to the age of three were the most negatively affected when it came to reading, math skills and spatial awareness. When followed over time, they continued to lag developmentally even by the age of seven — and girls more ...

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How Much is Sleep Deprivation Costing You?

Counting the Cost

In today’s society, job demands are forcing an increasing number of work people to operate well beyond the design specifications of the human brain and body. Today’s workforce are expected to undertake exhausting schedules, whisk across multiple time zones, and work long days. Often suffering from the debilitating effects of jet lag, these people’s health and performance are put in jeopardy. It is estimated that people are sleeping 20 percent less than they did a century ago. With ...

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Going to Work Sleepy: As Bad as Showing up Drunk?

In America’s culture of “sleep machismo,” we’re working more, but sleeping less — and new research shows drowsiness is as risky as drunkenness

Many companies encourage workers to put in long hours or even pull all-nighters — but they might as well promote showing up to work inebriated, according to sleep researchers. “We would never say, ‘This person is a great worker! He’s drunk all the time!'” says Harvard sleep expert Charles Czeisler, who’s found that 24 hours without sleep or ...

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Driving Drowsy

I have some good news and I have some bad news. Which do you want first? Ok. The Good news is that most drivers do NOT drive after drinking. The bad news is that most drivers HAVE driven under the influence……of the #3 cause of car crashes in this country……DRIVING DROWSY.

Sleep Deprivation Effects Same as Being Drunk
After staying awake for 24 hours straight, a person will be about as impaired as if he had had enough alcohol to be ...

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Sleeping and Driving Don’t Mix

Fact Sheet

Safe Driving Sleepy Quiz

Coffee overcomes the effects of drowsiness while driving: FALSE

Caffeine is not a substitute for sleep. It works only in the short run and wears off FAST. You are still subject to sleep deprived “micro-naps” that can last 4-5 seconds. At 55 MPH, that is more than 100 yards!!!

I can tell when I’m going to fall asleep: FALSE

Most people think this is true. It simply is not. If you’re drowsy, you know generally when you might fall ...

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