Insomnia Linked to $31 Billion in United States Workplace Errors

Research was based on interviews with more than 10,000 people.

Feeling sleepy on the job and having trouble focusing? It could cost you — and the nation as a whole. A new study estimates that insomnia is responsible for 274,000 workplace accidents and errors each year, adding up to $31 billion in extra costs.

The research isn’t conclusive, and it’s possible that some factors other than sleeplessness may explain these mishaps. The findings also depend on the possibly hazy recollections of several ...

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How to Recover After a Sleepless Night

Some insomnia is part of our 24-hour society. Here’s how to counter the effects of being sleep deprived.

According to the American Insomnia Study, about 23 percent of American workers are sleep deprived, which costs the American economy $63.2 billion dollars a year in lost productivity.

American adults lose about 11 days a year to insomnia and often go to work too tired to do their jobs properly.

“We live in a society that is on the go 24 hours a day,” says ...

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How to Prevent Jet Lag

Jet lag and travel often go hand in hand, but you can take steps to lessen that jet-lagged feeling. Here’s how.

Most people who travel long distances across time zones experience jet lag, a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when your body’s “biological clock” gets out of whack.

Randall Foster, president and CEO of Vumii, a global security and surveillance company based in Atlanta, knows firsthand what it’s like to be jet-lagged. His work has him crossing multiple time zones on a ...

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How to Get Your Child’s Sleep Schedule Back on Track

Start early to help your kids get the sleep they need for back-to-school.

While you may have let your kids go to bed later during the summer months to accommodate vacations, special events, and the season’s more laid-back feel, they’ll need a good night’s sleep every night to stay focused once they’re back in school. To get your kids back into a school year routine, start as soon as you can. Here’s how to make it as painless as possible with ...

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How Sleep Varies as You Age

Getting a good night’s sleep is vital at every stage of life, but expect fluctuation in the needed length of sleep.

Everyone’s sleep pattern changes throughout life: Babies sleep the day away, while seniors often get by on a handful of hours nabbed here and there. Sleep habits also change depending on your age. You might find yourself waking up earlier or staying up later. It may become harder to fall asleep or stay asleep because, as you get older, you’re ...

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How Sleep Heals the Body

Can sleep build strong bones? Experts say yes. Find out the benefits of healthy sleep on every part of your body.

Being asleep may seem like the ultimate form of inactivity, but those unconscious hours are actually a time of hard work for your body. Sleeping is one way that your body recovers from damage and protects itself against illness, says Michael Twery, PhD, director of the National Center on Sleep Disorders Research for the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute. ...

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How Restless Legs Syndrome Affects Children

Children who are fidgety or hyperactive may have restless legs syndrome. Often misdiagnosed in kids, restless legs syndrome can interfere with sleep and affect childhood development.

A restless legs syndrome diagnosis isn’t exclusive to adults. In fact, the National Institutes of Health estimates one million school-age children have restless legs syndrome, or RLS. The symptoms of restless legs syndrome in children are often mistaken for growing pains or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, making it difficult to get an accurate diagnosis.

The most ...

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Helping Your Kids With Nightmares

Is it a nightmare or sleep terror? Get advice for helping kids with nightmares sleep peacefully.

Whether it’s a piercing scream coming from your child’s bedroom or finding your son or daughter at your bedside in tears, there are few everyday occurrences more distressing for parents and upsetting for kids than a nightmare. Nightmares may be a normal part of growing up, but when they happen, they can be disruptive, especially if they happen regularly.

There’s some dispute about when children start ...

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Health Risks of Long-Term Sleep Deprivation

Lost sleep causes more than just bags under your eyes.

Getting enough sleep is a basic human need that all too often gets overlooked in the rush to squeeze more hours into the day. Ignoring that need, however, can lead to serious health consequences: Sleep deprivation jeopardizes your safety, ability to concentrate, mental stability, and long-term well-being.

“The more people look into it, the more they find significant health problems associated with a lack of sleep,” said William Kohler, MD, medical director ...

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H1N1 Swine Flu Vaccine Tied to Sleep Disorder in British Children

Pandemrix also found to raise narcolepsy risk in previous European studies.

A British study finds that children and teens who were vaccinated during the 2009 swine flu outbreak are at increased risk for narcolepsy, a disorder that causes people to fall asleep during the day.

The particular flu vaccine involved has never been licensed for use in the United States, according a statement on the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website.

Researchers looked at data from children and teens aged 4 ...

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