3 Alternative Insomnia Remedies

If you feel like you have to resort to taking prescription sleeping pills to get over your insomnia, think again.

Would you pay someone to teach you how to sleep? For insomnia sufferers, the idea isn’t crazy. Because when you’ve tried just about every remedy out there, and you don’t want to rely on prescription sleep aids, sleep “lessons” may be the next logical step. Below are three great, medication-free ways to improve your snooze.

Try a three-step approach

Sleep expert Michael ...

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Progressive Muscle Relaxation for Insomnia

A century-old technique called progressive muscle relaxation could relieve your insomnia. Learn how this relaxation therapy may help you feel and sleep better.

If you’re trying to find a solution for insomnia, your doctor may recommend progressive muscle relaxation to help you sleep. Progressive muscle relaxation is a relaxation therapy first developed by Chicago physician Edmund Jacobson, MD in 1915 and published in the 1920s.

“Progressive muscle relaxation is a relaxation exercise in which you systematically tense and then relax all ...

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Fight Insomnia With Noise Control

Good sleep hygiene means creating a quiet, inviting haven that makes insomnia a thing of the past and falling asleep a lot easier. Learn some ways to control noise so you get some much needed shut-eye.

When you get serious about falling asleep and waking up rested, you’ll take on the task of practicing good sleep hygiene. It’s all about making sure your physical environment provides an inviting space conducive to falling and staying asleep.

Insomnia: Sound Off

First, prevent insomnia by ...

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How to Conquer Chronic Insomnia

It’s possible to address sleep deprivation with self-help techniques and clinical interventions.

We’ve all had the occasional night of tossing and turning, but for some, this problem persists. This is a case of chronic insomnia, a condition in which someone loses sleep at least three times a week over the course of one to six months, and has trouble carrying out normal activities during the day.

Insomnia Today

Today’s adults, particularly Americans, have grown accustomed to brushing aside the cues that signal ...

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Chronic Insomnia – Do You Need Counseling?

Psychological counseling offers a safe, proven strategy for beating insomnia. Find out if this treatment is right for you.

People with insomnia have an unexpected and powerful ally at their disposal in the quest for a good night’s sleep — psychological counseling.

“It’s pretty clear from the evidence that a type of counseling called cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has proven efficacy in the treatment of insomnia,” says Russell Rosenberg, PhD, founder and director of the Atlanta School of Sleep Medicine, and a ...

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Treating Insomnia With Prescription Medicines

Getting a short-term prescription from your doctor for sleeping pills may help your insomnia when over-the-counter remedies don’t work. Learn about the different options for insomnia treatment.

Once again, it’s 2 a.m. and you’re lying awake, tossing and turning. Soaking in a warm bath, reading a book, sipping chamomile tea, and taking over-the-counter sleeping pills haven’t done the trick. If you’ve read all about non-prescription insomnia options and none are helping, the next step might be prescription medication for insomnia treatment.

“There ...

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Is Insomnia Causing Your Dark Circles?

Most people associate dark circles and eye bags with a lack of sleep. Learn about the other reasons for them, too, plus beauty remedies that can help.

It’s bad enough to feel tired after a lack of sleep, but having dark circles under your eyes doubles your frustration.

Dark areas under the eyes are often thought of as being caused by lack of sleep, says Susan Van Dyke, MD, a dermatologist with Van Dyke Laser and Skin in Paradise Valley, ...

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Insomnia

Insomnia is lack of sleep or the inability to fall asleep. It is probably one of the most common complaints a person brings to the medical visit. Insomnia can be acute (lasting just a few days) or chronic (happens all the time or most of the time). The most common reasons for insomnia are stress, certain medications, and stimulants such as caffeine and nicotine. Treatments include medications and/or various suggestions by the doctor on better sleep techniques.

Top 5 Questions to ...

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The Genetics of Restless Legs Syndrome

Do your legs refuse to stay still at night? Chances are that your kids and relatives might experience this sleep disorder, too. Here’s what to do if restless legs syndrome runs in your family.

Do you have uncomfortable sensations in your legs or an uncontrollable urge to move around when you’re trying to rest? Is it interfering with your sleep? These are all signs of restless legs syndrome, a type of sleep disorder that often runs in families. About half ...

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What is Restless Legs Syndrome?

Millions of Americans have creepy-crawly sensations at bedtime, and it has nothing to do with bedbugs. Restless legs syndrome creates distracting sensations, making it difficult to sleep.

Your eyes are heavy, your mind is tired, and your entire body is ready for bed — except for your legs. If you have a condition called restless legs syndrome (RLS), your legs seem to become jumpy and active just when you’re ready to fall asleep. This sudden urge to move your limbs may ...

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