How to Recover After a Sleepless Night

Some insomnia is part of our 24-hour society. Here’s how to counter the effects of being sleep deprived.

According to the American Insomnia Study, about 23 percent of American workers are sleep deprived, which costs the American economy $63.2 billion dollars a year in lost productivity.

American adults lose about 11 days a year to insomnia and often go to work too tired to do their jobs properly.

“We live in a society that is on the go 24 hours a day,” says ...

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How to Prevent Jet Lag

Jet lag and travel often go hand in hand, but you can take steps to lessen that jet-lagged feeling. Here’s how.

Most people who travel long distances across time zones experience jet lag, a temporary sleep disorder that occurs when your body’s “biological clock” gets out of whack.

Randall Foster, president and CEO of Vumii, a global security and surveillance company based in Atlanta, knows firsthand what it’s like to be jet-lagged. His work has him crossing multiple time zones on a ...

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How to Get Your Child’s Sleep Schedule Back on Track

Start early to help your kids get the sleep they need for back-to-school.

While you may have let your kids go to bed later during the summer months to accommodate vacations, special events, and the season’s more laid-back feel, they’ll need a good night’s sleep every night to stay focused once they’re back in school. To get your kids back into a school year routine, start as soon as you can. Here’s how to make it as painless as possible with ...

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Going Camping Can Help You Get a Better Night’s Sleep

A week of residing in the outdoors may resync your internal clock and help you sleep better, say Colorado researchers.

Going camping is a great way to get some fresh air — and some fresh Zzzs, according to a new study in the journal Current Biology, as it can help resync your internal clock. Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder found that after a week of camping, the body’s circadian rhythm fell in line with the rising and setting of ...

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Don’t Bother With Ultrasonic Bedbug Devices

Study of 4 products on market found emitted sounds don’t keep insects away.

Ultrasonic devices sold to repel bedbugs are ineffective, a new study finds.

Many such devices have been marketed in recent years as ways to control insects such as mosquitoes, cockroaches and ants. Few of those products, however, have been demonstrated as being effective. New versions that are supposed to target bedbugs are now available.

The study appears in the current issue of the Journal of Economic Entomology.

Researchers K.M. Yturralde and ...

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6 Tricks to Stay Up Late at Night

Try these tips for keeping the sandman at bay when you just have to be awake.

Staying up late can be tough on the body, but sometimes it’s unavoidable. Maybe you’re working late, or you might need to stay up for a one-time event like a family trip or a kid’s sleepover or even adjust your sleep schedule to accommodate a new night shift assignment. Either way, there are tricks you can use to successfully become a night owl.

Keep in mind ...

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5 Common Sleep Stealers – and How to Beat Them

A good night’s sleep can seem impossible in our fast-paced lives. Try these tricks to reclaim your slumber.

With increasingly-troublesome side effects of skimping on sleep coming to light more and more often, it seems we’re starting to catch on to how important solid, regular rest is for our health.

But we’re not necessarily doing anything with this new knowledge. According to a recent survey, 25 percent of people get six hours of sleep a night, 22 percent get seven hours and ...

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10 Tips to Reset Your Internal Clock

People with delayed sleep phase syndrome have trouble getting up in the morning and going to bed at the right time. The body’s internal clock can be reset, however, with the help of a few sleep strategies.

Who doesn’t know at least one night owl who stays up until 1 or 2 a.m. every night, only to struggle to get out of bed the next morning to make it to school or work on time? To those on the outside, these ...

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‘Sleeping On It’ Works for Difficult Problems

If a complex issue is weighing you down, nabbing some solid Zzzs might help you solve it, new research confirms.

Some adages about sleep and your emotional health — think “don’t go to bed angry” — don’t necessarily ring true, experts say.

But the famous saying “sleep on it” recently got a boost from researchers at Lancaster University in the United Kingdom. They tested whether sleep or time spent awake helped people solve problems and found that sleeping works as a problem ...

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‘Nightcaps’ Don’t Help You Sleep Better After All

Alcohol may help you get to sleep faster and sleep better at first, but it disrupts your sleep later in the night, according to British researchers who reviewed all known scientific studies on alcohol’s impact on sleep.

The authors said they hope their findings will help people understand that drinking alcohol only gives the impression of improving sleep, and that it should not be used as a sleep aid.

The review found that alcohol consumption shortens the time it takes to get ...

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