Mattress Types: Mattress Product Guides

Buying a bed means making sense of a dizzying variety of materials, construction techniques and features — memory foam, innerspring, latex, pillow-top — the list goes on and on. What does it all mean?

Let’s review some of your options in more depth. Here are the seven most common categories of mattresses available for purchase:

Innerspring Mattresses

Long the standard of the mattress industry, representing over 80% of the market, innerspring mattresses are distinguished from other types of beds by their use of ...

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Mattress Glossary of Terms

To help you with your mattress “lingo,” we have compiled this handy list of definitions for some of the mattress industry’s most common terms.

Adjustable Bed

Type of bed distinguished by its ability to bend and elevate into upright or other positions. Sometimes referred to as an electric bed or hospital bed. See our Adjustable Bed Guide for more information on the various features and benefits of adjustable beds.

Air Bed

Type of bed distinguished by its use of an air-filled Core, rather than ...

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Theories of Sleep

Sleep has been the subject of speculation and thought since the time of the early Greek philosophers, but only recently have researchers discovered ways to study sleep in a systematic and objective way. The advent of new technology such as the electroencephalograph has allowed scientists to look at and measure electrical patterns and activity produced by the sleeping brain.
While we can now investigate sleep and related phenomena, not all researchers agree on exactly why we sleep. A number of ...

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Questions to Ask Your Doctor About Sleep Apnea

Print this handy list of questions and take it with you to your next doctor’s appointment.

Sleep apnea is a medical condition in which air movement through the throat into the lungs is reduced during sleep. This condition may affect a person’s daily activities due to impaired sleep but also has been recognized to have an impact on your general health including an increase in blood pressure. Treatment usually involves a machine called CPAP with a face mask (continuous positive airway ...

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Give Snoring a Rest

Snoring can be a minor annoyance, or it can put your health and relationship at risk. Here’s the basic info on what causes snoring and ways to treat the noisy condition.

Snoring can range from an occasional gentle rumble to a persistent, wall-shaking racket. The cause, however, is always the same: “Tissue vibration as air fights to get through the airway,” says Rochelle Goldberg, MD, president of the American Sleep Apnea Society. “Think of a flag snapping on a windy ...

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Overcoming Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Treatment for obstructive sleep apnea usually includes continuous positive airway pressure devices. These appliances keep the airway open so the body can retain normal blood oxygen levels and avoid serious conditions related to sleep apnea.

If you wake up feeling groggy or lethargic, or your spouse or partner complains that you snore, you may be suffering from obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). Millions of Americans have this condition. The National Institutes of Health breaks down the numbers further, showing that sleep apnea ...

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What You Need to Know About Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea doesn’t necessarily affect overweight patients exclusively — anyone with a family history is susceptible. Other sleep apnea risk factors include high blood pressure and smoking.

Maybe your sleeping partner says your snoring sounds like a 747 landing in the next room; maybe you just don’t wake up refreshed after what you thought was a good night’s sleep and feel tired during the day. These are two signs of sleep apnea — brief periods when you stop breathing while sleeping ...

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Screening for Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea affects 12 million Americans. Learn how doctors diagnose the condition and which sleep apnea treatment is right for you.

Sleep apnea is a common condition — it affects at least 12 million Americans, although many of those cases go undiagnosed. If you snore loudly, wake up feeling groggy even though you think you’ve gotten a good night’s sleep, or feel sleepy and irritable during the day, sleep apnea may be the cause.

People with sleep apnea briefly stop breathing ...

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Yawning May Cool the Brain When Needed

Study also found sinuses act like a bellows, help keep brain the right temperature.

Yawning helps keep the brain cool, and the sinuses play a role in that process by acting as bellows, a new report suggests.

Yawning isn’t triggered because you’re bored, tired or need oxygen. Rather, yawning helps regulate the brain’s temperature, according to Gary Hack, of the University of Maryland School of Dentistry, and Andrew Gallup, of Princeton University.

“The brain is exquisitely sensitive to temperature changes and therefore must ...

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Americans’ Sleep Habits: Losing by Not Snoozing, Says the CDC

More than one-third of Americans sleep less than seven hours a night, and many pay for it the next day. Are you among the walking bleary? Try one of these tricks to get the rest your body craves.

Too many Americans aren’t getting enough sleep — and their minds and bodies are paying the price, according to two new surveys released by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control (CDC). More than one-third of American adults clocked in seven or fewer ...

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