A Soundtrack for Slumber: Max Richter’s 8-Plus-Hour Overnight ‘Sleep’ Concert

A Soundtrack for Slumber: Max Richter’s 8-Plus-Hour Overnight ‘Sleep’ Concert

In a giant loft space with 160 beds overlooking downtown Manhattan, concertgoers came to experience the sounds of the live nightlong performance intended to help them hit “pause” and sleep, or not sleep, as they wished.

Music and sleep have been connected in our minds ever since the sweet sounds of the lullaby first helped people drift off into slumber. And in fact research shows that listening to relaxing music before going ...

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What Happens to You When You Don’t Sleep for Days

Ever wonder how long you can go without sleep? Find out what’s happening to you physically and mentally as you wrestle to stay awake.

All-night study sessions, important business deals, new babies — most people will experience a taste of sleep deprivation at some point in life. While the occasional lack of sleep may not seem like a big deal, the impact of sleep deprivation can be intense and its effects can linger. In extreme circumstances, sleep deprivation can ultimately lead ...

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How Much Sleep Do You Really Need Each Night?

The number of hours of sleep you need to stay healthy and alert varies according to your age.

Sure, you’re eating your vegetables and fruits and squeezing in exercise at least 20 minutes a day, but are you getting enough sleep, too? The National Sleep Foundation’s latest sleep recommendations, published March 2015 in the journal Sleep Health, may make you want to think twice about skimping on essential shut-eye. (1) Sleep is key to your physical health and emotional vitality, but ...

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What Is Light Sleep vs. Heavy Sleep, and How Can You Get What You Need?

Learn what factors affect how well you sleep, and what you can do to make sure you get the restful and deep sleep your body and mind need for you to be at your best.

the wailing siren of a passing fire truck doesn’t disturb their slumber. Just why, though, remains a bit of a mystery.

Although many people are self-proclaimed light sleepers or heavy sleepers, researchers have found that little is actually known about why people react differently to noises and ...

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When It Comes to Wellness, Sleep Is Causing Big Problems for Women

More than 80 percent of women surveyed in the Women’s Wellness Report 2017 say they have trouble getting a good night’s sleep on a daily basis.

What if there was a magic pill that you could take once a day that gave you more energy, made you less likely to get sick, made you happier, made you less likely to stress out, made fitting in regular exercise less challenging, and also lowered your risk of chronic health problems, like heart disease, ...

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Tricks for Waking Up Earlier in the Morning

If “rise and shine” in your life is more like “hit snooze and whine,” try these ideas for making friends with your alarm clock.

When ‘Rise and Shine’ Is Easier Said Than Done

Lots of people set the alarm with the best of intentions, knowing that’s the time they need to get up to meet the day’s demands. But then the alarm clock seems to ring way before they’re ready to rise, so they’re hitting snooze and, eventually, running late. Something’s got ...

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Are You Too Stressed to Sleep?

It is becoming more and more obvious that stress plays a major role in insomnia. The development of insomnia is largely determined by how we react to stress — both psychologically and physically. In fact, many people experience transient insomnia, insomnia that lasts for a short period of time, after a stressful event. However, for some of us, stressors such as illness, work schedule changes, and interpersonal conflict can lead to chronic insomnia.

How Does Stress Affect Our Sleep?

We know that ...

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Ways to Perk Up After a Sleepless Night

The only thing worse than a sleepless night is dragging yourself to work the next day. Learn how to cope when you’re sleep deprived with these tips.

Why You’re Not Sleeping Well

In a perfect world, every adult would get somewhere between seven to nine hours of sleep a night — the amount that experts say is needed for maximum health. But that doesn’t always happen. Approximately 65 percent of Americans report experiencing a sleep problem at least a few times each ...

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Why Is It So Difficult to Get Good Sleep as We Age?

Not sleeping well? Age-related insomnia is not something you should ignore.

Do you find yourself waking up earlier than you did in your 20s and 30s? Some older adults don’t mind rising at the crack of dawn. Others, however, complain of constant fatigue — especially if pain or chronic conditions are preventing them from falling asleep or forcing them to get up in the middle of the night.

It’s a myth that older adults need less sleep than young adults: Seniors still ...

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Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Stop the tossing and turning! Try these snooze-friendly tips.

Why You Should Prioritize Sleep

When responsibilities mount, sleep is the first thing to drop off the priority list. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 3 in 10 people are getting 6 or less hours of sleep. And that’s a problem since experts argue that getting adequate zzz’s is as important to health and well-being as diet and exercise. If you have a hard time falling asleep, ...

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