What Is Light Sleep vs. Heavy Sleep, and How Can You Get What You Need?

Learn what factors affect how well you sleep, and what you can do to make sure you get the restful and deep sleep your body and mind need for you to be at your best.

the wailing siren of a passing fire truck doesn’t disturb their slumber. Just why, though, remains a bit of a mystery.

Although many people are self-proclaimed light sleepers or heavy sleepers, researchers have found that little is actually known about why people react differently to noises and ...

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Are You Too Stressed to Sleep?

It is becoming more and more obvious that stress plays a major role in insomnia. The development of insomnia is largely determined by how we react to stress — both psychologically and physically. In fact, many people experience transient insomnia, insomnia that lasts for a short period of time, after a stressful event. However, for some of us, stressors such as illness, work schedule changes, and interpersonal conflict can lead to chronic insomnia.

How Does Stress Affect Our Sleep?

We know that ...

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Why Is It So Difficult to Get Good Sleep as We Age?

Not sleeping well? Age-related insomnia is not something you should ignore.

Do you find yourself waking up earlier than you did in your 20s and 30s? Some older adults don’t mind rising at the crack of dawn. Others, however, complain of constant fatigue — especially if pain or chronic conditions are preventing them from falling asleep or forcing them to get up in the middle of the night.

It’s a myth that older adults need less sleep than young adults: Seniors still ...

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Tips for a Good Night’s Sleep

Stop the tossing and turning! Try these snooze-friendly tips.

Why You Should Prioritize Sleep

When responsibilities mount, sleep is the first thing to drop off the priority list. In fact, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, about 3 in 10 people are getting 6 or less hours of sleep. And that’s a problem since experts argue that getting adequate zzz’s is as important to health and well-being as diet and exercise. If you have a hard time falling asleep, ...

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How Much Sleep Do You Need?

The number of hours of sleep you need to stay healthy and alert differs according to your age.

Sure, you’re eating your vegetables and fruits and squeezing in exercise at least 20 minutes a day, but are you getting enough sleep, too? The latest sleep recommendations from the National Sleep Foundation may make you want to think twice about skimping on essential shut-eye. Sleep is key to your physical health and emotional vitality, but just how many hours of sleep you ...

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Why Your Teen Can’t Sleep

Some parents have resorted to turning off the Wi-Fi to help their kids get better rest.

It’s no secret that teenagers like to stay up late and then rush around like mad in the morning to get ready for school. Then, they probably spend a chunk of the weekend catching up on sleep. But what drives these teen sleep habits?

One common explanation is that in our hunter-gatherer days, teenagers took over the night-owl watch period of keeping the group safe, ...

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How Do the Bacteria in My Gut Affect My Sleep?

Research suggests there’s a connection between a healthy gut and healthy sleep, but it’s not yet clear whether interventions to improve one can help the other.

The gut microbiome is the community of trillions of bacteria that reside inside every person’s digestive tract. And during the past decade, research into the microbiome and its role in human health has been one of the hottest and most revelatory areas of medical science.

It seems like every week, a new study offers fresh insights ...

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Why Alcohol Disrupts Your Sleep

A glass of wine may help you relax and nod off, but having it too close to bedtime can lead to poor sleep quality and a groggy, not to mention hangover-plagued, morning after.

When you’re wound up at the end of a long, stressful day, a nightcap may sound like the perfect way to relax before bed. But while a little alcohol may make you feel sleepy, it can set you up for a restless night. Can you unwind with a ...

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What Is Segmented Sleep and Is It Healthy?

Segmented sleep was popular with our ancestors, but it may not be healthy for most people today. Find out just how long you should be staying asleep.

Is worry about lack of sleep keeping you up at night? For new parents, shift workers, or people just too busy to get their 8 hours, segmented sleep is a painful reality. Research shows that sleeping in shifts was a common practice by our ancestors. But interrupting your sleep/wake cycle may not be practical ...

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What Does Your Sleep Position Say About You?

Robert Phipps, a British body language expert, says how a person sleeps can reveal key personality traits.

Whether you’re a side sleeper, back snoozer, or a knees-up cuddler, the position you choose while sleeping could reveal something about your personality, according to a British body language expert.

Robert Phipps, a leading body language expert in the United Kingdom, claims that a person’s sleep position can reveal key personality traits, like stubbornness or bossiness, as well as how critical a person is or ...

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